Dec 6, 2022Liked by The Fast Charge

Tom, nice piece on DCFC reliability. My US Fast Charger analysis is also showing, among other things, that communication reliability is key to getting above the 93-95% line. Some stations give out free electrons when communications fail. This all makes calculating availability based on station data feeds a difficult proposition, but it should get us pretty close. Keep the info coming....

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Thanks Bill, yes it's almost like 99% could be an enemy of itself if regulators aren't careful or consider comms fallout etc.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by The Fast Charge

A great write up on charger reliability. The goods news is that in our industry the parts shortage is starting to ease and we might be back to normal by the end of next year, so hopefully chargers will be the same.

One thing you didn't mention was that often the failure was due to the card reader. Tesla don't have these which is one of the reasons they are more reliable. Plug and Charge removes the need for a card reader, and quite a few new cars have the hardware even if the software isn't ready yet.

One thing you didn't mention is that older EVs are far more reliant on legacy <=50kW chargers, and we are in danger of having an entire fleet of cars rendered useless as their infrastructure dies.

Another thing is that many of 2025's cars will have sufficient range to never, or extremely rarely, need a journey charger. This must be weighing on operator's minds as these are the cars whose owners spend the most on charging.

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Thanks Tim, those are some great points, particularly on the legacy cars. I did read a lot about what happens if software updates going to cars/chargers just ends, will that leave people isolated? And, yes, definitely the dream to never need the en route chargers, I think though that range will actually peak then drop - as hopefully a good charging network means we don't need cars with large batteries.

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Energy density is increasing quite rapidly. The reason Zeekr can fit a 140kWh battery in the 009 is that CATL have increased the pack density by 30%. Nio are claiming an even greater density for their 150kWh pack. Even Hyundai are saying range will increase by 50% for their next platform.

The reason I think bigger packs will stay is not obvious unless you travel regularly. At around 4pm traffic peaks, so you don't want to return after than time, and even a 5 minute Diesel stop was something I would actively avoid. On longer days, around 8pm the roadworks start, and that extra 5 minutes may mean you get home an hour later. This makes the travel window a lot tighter than you might think and that extra range/speed makes a huge difference to journey time. It is also the reason most companies have a 150 mile stay overnight rule.

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